An absolutely delightful 1,150 pages. My sense is that she researched meticulously; yet she had strong opinions, was biased toward certain groups; makes for an amazing combination of highly-readable-yet-informative.
The author apparently had a pretty interesting personal life - mistress to H.G. Wells, etc.
Geography wasn't kind to this part of the world - a crossroads for pretty much everyone (interestingly, the 2015/16 "refugee" "crisis" involves folks criss-crossing this region yet again). Ottomans, Austrians, Russians, etc. In midst of Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Islam, etc.
Astonishing geography; long, complicated histories; Croatia; Dalmatia; Bosnia; Montenegro; etc.
She has a long and interesting discussion of events in Sarajevo (Franz Ferdinand assassination).
"Constantine" as guide.
As she thinks about what happened in this part of the world - and in context of imminent Nazi threat - she seems to have a kind of epiphany - discusses that it can be necessary and fine to fight for something valuable, and laments that Western Europe seems to have lost its way in this regard. (Another discussion that is ongoing.)
I read that this appears on lists of 100 best nonfiction books of 20th century. I enjoyed it, immensely.
Geography wasn't kind to this part of the world - a crossroads for pretty much everyone (interestingly, the 2015/16 "refugee" "crisis" involves folks criss-crossing this region yet again). Ottomans, Austrians, Russians, etc. In midst of Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Islam, etc.
Astonishing geography; long, complicated histories; Croatia; Dalmatia; Bosnia; Montenegro; etc.
She has a long and interesting discussion of events in Sarajevo (Franz Ferdinand assassination).
"Constantine" as guide.
As she thinks about what happened in this part of the world - and in context of imminent Nazi threat - she seems to have a kind of epiphany - discusses that it can be necessary and fine to fight for something valuable, and laments that Western Europe seems to have lost its way in this regard. (Another discussion that is ongoing.)
I read that this appears on lists of 100 best nonfiction books of 20th century. I enjoyed it, immensely.