"To compensate a little for the treachery and weakness of my memory, so extreme that it has happened to me more than once to pick up again, as recent and unknown to me, books which I had read carefully a few years before . . . I have adopted the habit for some time now of adding at the end of each book . . . the time I finished reading it and the judgment I have derived of it as a whole, so that this may represent to me at least the sense and general idea I had conceived of the author in reading it." (Montaigne, Book II, Essay 10 (publ. 1580))

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Ship Fever: Stories (Andrea Barrett, 1996)

(256 pages)

Book club selection (via Emily; session held (via Zoom) May 23, 2021).  (Debbers, in Phoenix, joined from 706.)

Collection of short stories; science themes; I liked it.  Here are my discussion notes on the eight stories:

1 - Mendel & his nemesis; Tati & his nemesis; Richard the husband not very flattering portrayal; Euro assistant romanced by wife.  Tati had a letter from Mendel, it's given to Richard.  Unflattering portrayal of 70s students.

2 - Linnaeus - forgetful/slipping old man in sleigh, stops in house; recalls Apostles sent to the far reaches, so many with a bad ending (was this what happened?  I think yes.)  One shows up at the house.  Sounds like his immediate family wasn't very heartwarming.  

3 - littoral zone - a couple goes on a summer project, their marriages are broken.  not sure if this is finished, or if another story will come back to it?  Not very interesting.

4 - Rare Bird - Sarah Anne disappears with Mrs. Pearce.  Interested in whether swallows winter underwater.  Correspond with Linnaeus.  Brother's wife and child die, he goes to America; Sarah Anne's letters found later.

5 - Soroche - Zaga marries wealthy/older Joel, gets sick in Peru, widowed, loses $$.  Siblings unhappy with her, as are stepchildren.  Doctor that she meets in Peru makes a comparison - Fuegians who went back to England didn't fit in either place.  That's the interesting angle, even Willa Cather wrote about it.  

6 - Birds with No Feet - Alec tracks Wallace . . . who is way more successful.  Wallace publishes, gets sponsors, does an article about natural selection.  Alec travels cheap; excels at finding specimens; early batch lost in ship fire.  Alec eventually not comfortable "back home" - he "went native."  Gifted at finding stuff, not so much at coming up with any unifying theories.

7 - The Marburg Sisters - two messed-up kids, not interesting

8 - Ship Fever - longest - quite interesting - dr. who can't get traction goes to an island where Irish emigrants are quarantined; his childhood sweetheart volunteers (her husband is on the ground in Ireland writing articles); he hangs out with immigrant Nora.  Made this come alive in an interesting way.  Minor criticism - usual unthinking unflattering references to business, making a profit, wealthy folk.