I had read Volume I of this trilogy back in 2016; liked the final two volumes even a bit better. My summary for Volume I actually work quite well for purposes of Volumes II and III; however, the action (certainly the political stakes) pick up as World War I nears.
The story lines of course take place in the geographies where the incidents that kicked off the war occurred, so there's the run-up for that. More discussion of Franz Ferdinand as heir apparent; he is presented as a conniver, quite unflattering.
The scenes taking place in Transylvania and Hungary are consistently interesting; the author also certainly must had a great feel for the era's politics.
The book is a great companion to the second of Patrick Leigh Fermor's books - he was visiting much the same geography, only in the 1930s.
Balint; his mother Roza; Adrienne; Pal Uzdy; Laszlo; many more.