Lina's mother was Russian; her father was Spanish; she tended to identify with the Russian side due to a grandmother. The parents were actor/singer types of mediocre stature; ended up in U.S. to do performances, so Lina mostly grew up here, mostly in NY. She aspired to be a singer - nice soprano voice but not quite enough. Family was well-connected in Russian emigre circles. She meets the talented Serge Prokofiev - somewhat struggling to break through notwithstanding his talent - and fell in love with him. Serge seemed to behave mostly like a jerk throughout; she follows him to Europe; he finally agrees to marry after a number of years (once she's pregnant).
1930s - for propaganda purposes, Stalin wants Russian artists to come home (many had fled in aftermath of Bolshevik revolution) - Serge and Lina are enticed to return with promises of special treatment, honors, artistic freedom, etc. Misgivings; they are tailed while in Paris during this time; but Serge felt the opportunity would be better in the Soviet Union, especially based on a Potemkin tour, I'll call it, arranged while they were considering their decision.
Once there - not possible to defect. Some relatively good times early and they did live with special privileges; this fluctuates as Serge moves in and out of favor; Lina's singing career doesn't take off though they do perform together some; she is suspect to the authorities because of friendships with foreigners via embassies. Tense, difficult, quite unimaginable.
Serge falls in love with a younger woman; is evacuated from Moscow as Hitler invades; Lina left behind to cope, with their two sons. She was able to get excused after a day or so from the amazing tasks performed by the citizen teams digging tank traps on Moscow periphery - in favor of a desk job - but endured the bombing and food shortages (all as discussed here). After the war - she's sent to the gulag for a 10-year sentence (or a "tenner" as these were called in Solzhenitsyn's book). Just an amazing story, and she must have been a really tough individual. Eventually released after Stalin dies.
Sad and sad. Compelling throughout. What folks like this lived through = just unbelievable.
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