I like movies, concerts, books, etc. As noted in the header above, I'm tired of seeing, hearing or reading something and very quickly losing track of it. A few years ago I started keeping some notes on books and movies. After working the
GalesAz blog for awhile, I recognize that this is an easier place to store this kind of information.
If I can figure out an easy way to import the earlier information, I will do so. In the meantime, here is a
movie and
book note from GalesAz. Future review-type items will appear here. We have fallen out of the habit of going to movies but perhaps this will pick up as my movie-buddy is now through with school and getting through her job orientation phase. I do read steadily, mostly when working out on the stair machine or by listening to books-on-tape when driving around, plus bits and pieces of reading at the house or when traveling.
Anyway, this blog is designed for me to have quick reference to things I want to keep track of. Not likely to be of much interest to others.