We liked it a lot, for all the same reasons noted in the prior post. I had been reading in the newspaper how this tour had just blown away all expectations for ticket sales in what has otherwise been a very down year for the concert tour business. Somehow they are very much striking the right chord.
It was a different crowd than in Arizona - more immediately responsive, but not better. Hard to believe at this age they were on the road this long (he's 62, she's 68).
I had sought tickets late, but we were pretty lucky with this - first row in upper level. That actually works quite nicely. With the revolving stage in the middle of the arena and the various video boards, it was a good location.
Here's a short clip taken via cellphone video (from someone who lugged around massive video cameras for years: who can believe a cellphone can take video even of this quality?) It's a portion of "Sweet Baby James," which is performed following his little story about writing it for his nephew . . . live, the violin line sounded good (example here at 0:30), as did Carole King singing a line against the melody (starting around 1:00).
Lots of very nice moments, including the tour finale (same song they ended with in Glendale) (Close Your Eyes) . . .
Then the GPS directed us out of Anaheim and back to Laguna Beach, a kind service without which we might have been circling quite awhile.