Notes starts with a statement of the protagonist's philosophy - said to reflect closely the author's own views at this time - the paramount importance of free will, even if irrational or harmful to the individual exercising it - rejecting "the Utopian socialism to which he once owed allegiance" - which I understood to hold that human behavior can be happily engineered via experts employing reason. Protagonist is bitter, cynical, observant to a point. "I am a sick man" - famous opening line.
Second part of Notes is referred to as the Story of the Falling Sleet. One aspect is a sad scene where the protagonist is utterly incapable of connecting with his school pals (I read this was based somewhat on the author's unhappy experience in military engineering school - orchestrated/forced by his father.) More centrally: he then meets up with Liza - the fallen woman - severely painful interactions. Liza perhaps somewhat foreshadows Sonya (Crime and Punishment). These scenes are wonderfully written - yes, painful.
The impoverished protagonist doesn't have a very satisfying relationship with his valet.
After Notes - pretty much a direct path to Crime and Punishment and enduring fame for the author (along with continuing personal challenges: bio is must-read).
Dostoevsky = hard to beat.
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