Martin Luther can't help but fascinate; it's the 500th anniversary of posting the 95 Theses; this book received favorable reviews; so it seemed like time to read more about him. I much liked it.

What to make of Luther? Certainly in the early going he appears clear-thinking, engaging, earthy; vaguely (very vaguely) reminiscent of Napoleon personality traits (or perhaps Napoleon is just top of mind these days). Luther also adept at public relations - very impressive in Luther's case given the newness of print technology. As far as PR - in addition to the printers, Cranach's shop churned out those memorable drawings.
Shows lots of courage in those early days ("here I stand") - this at a time when protection of his local "elector" wasn't necessarily a sure thing. He stood up to the church hierarchy and Charles V.
Yes there were plenty of Germans sick of the Italians, and getting pushed around by local bishops; and the corruption in the central Roman Catholic structure was pretty overwhelming at this time (as discussed here). So while Luther no doubt benefited from timing (again reminiscent of the Napoleon/"great man" discussion/French Revolution timing), it certainly seems that a unique individual was required to push reforms forward. For starters, being put to death was a huge risk.
Author does a good job of explaining why Luther was such an unlikely candidate for what he did - modest education, grew up in what was then a backwater in Germany.
Some much less positive traits emerge if not predominate as the years go by. Seems that the lengthy confinement in the castle - for Luther's protection - took a toll. Deeply anti-Semitic. "Protestants" (not sure when that term came into usage) were taking different paths; Luther seemed to rather like his first/supreme role, and as the years went by was never able to work very well with others. Too often didn't even engage in useful discussions - just said "the devil" was driving his foes (reminiscent of how "racism" or "fascism" is used today). Combative, insulting, personal.
Also became pretty conservative - again, after the castle episode - realized he needed the elector and his ilk to survive - spoke out against the Peasants War, and generally advised submission to authority. Which - coming from him - was rather rich.
Married a nun - a nice touch - several children - described as a loving father.
Lots of debate over the "Real Presence" issue in the Eucharist - many Protestants wanted to say it was symbolic, Luther kept insisting on a literal Real Presence. Divisive issue, hard to now imagine how much energy was expended on this.
Enduring contributions in hymns, German translation of the Bible.
Luther dies in 1546. Lots of bloodshed ahead.
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