I'll repeat: I'm a big fan of
Thomas Mann. So I knew I would take up this work - but was wondering - what's going on here? 1,500 pages to re-tell, or re-cast, Old Testament stories that Mann's reader-universe already knew intimately?

The introductory materials indicate that Mann saw this work as his
magnus opus - but that clearly isn't anyone else's perception. Too long for widespread readership. Rocky start - he was already in exile before the first volume was published in his native (now-Nazi) Germany, making it unlikely that there would be any critical acclaim or wide distribution. Etc.
Written over the course of 16 years - last volume written in "sunny California."
I love Mann's writing style - wordy, full of ideas, spinning out conversations and ideas in tremendous detail. It works for me.
This book reminds me that Bible is full of foundation stories - marvelous, profound, human.
And it's pretty much common sense that Bible knowledge is useful if not indispensable
in absorbing so many great works of Western culture (as discussed here).
Mann has a highly effective way of communicating how deep the past runs - how long folks have been living the foundation stories. The opening sentences of the book: "Deep is the well of the past. Should we not call it bottomless?"
Interesting aspect - Mann describes Yahweh's covenant with Israel as a win-win - Abram (as he was then known) restlessly looking for an ur-God; on the other hand, God can't have a presence on earth without a people dedicated to Him. Playing with the idea of a God with needs!
But the basic element here: marvelous stories. (And they're marvelous stories even before Mann expands them in his wonderful style.) A sampling (not always in chronological order):
- Abram - the wanderer; the covenant.
- Abraham and Sarah - time in Egypt. Ismael via slave girl.
- Isaak via Sarah - though she was too old.
- Abraham and Isaak; the sacrifice.
- Abraham's servant - Eliezer - sent on a long journey to find a wife for Isaak - but goes quickly, the earth leaps up to meet him!
- Isaak and Rebekah
- Esau (the hairy one) and Jacob
- Rebekah helps Jacob get Isaak's blessing
- Esau the unfavored older son - like Cain - echoes within Jacob's group of sons
- Jacob wrestles with the angel
- Rebekah sends Jacob far away to live with her brother Laban (so the tense situation with Esau might have a chance to settle down); she never sees her favorite again
- Jacob makes Laban wealthy, starting with finding a well for him; Laban distrustful and untrustworthy
- Laban sneaking in Leah (in place of Rachel) after Jacob works seven years to get Rachel
- Jacob and Rachel - after seven more years
- The 12 sons of Jacob; leading to the 12 tribes of Israel
- Leah fertile; Rachel supplying only #11 (Joseph) and #12 (Benjamin)
- Reuben - eldest; Simeon and Levi - warlike in this telling; Judah #4
- Four of the 12 sons born to Jacob by slave-girls (when nothing happening with Leah or Rachel)
- Jacob outwitting Laban the deceiver; starts the return to the homeland
- Rachel dying along the road after giving birth to Benjamin
- Jacob transferring favoritism from Rachel to Joseph (he had her eyes, after all); hard feelings among Joseph's bros
- Jacob the King of Flocks - the blessed one - everything he touches turns out well
- Jacob the trickster
- Jacob the mystic, the ascetic
- Jacob individually with the name "Israel"
- Joseph wheedles the coat of many colors out of Jacob (in this telling, it is a fantastic unisex gown of some sort that Laban had acquired for his daughter to wear at her wedding)
- Joseph in the pit; Joseph sold to passersby; bros telling Jacob that Joseph must have been killed by a wild beast
- Joseph sold into the house of Potiphar (powerful, wealthy courtier of Pharaoh) - quickly rises from bottom rung to chief steward
- Potiphar's wife finally notices Joseph, and how
- Potiphar's wife asks Potiphar to send Joseph away - this scene was brilliantly written; Potiphar demurs
- Joseph talks business with Potiphar's wife, too much
- Joseph - back to the pit; his "calm" jailer; Joseph correctly interprets dreams for two jailed members of Pharaoh's senior household staff
- Joseph called from prison to interpret Pharaoh's dreams (after the professional interpreters failed) - foresees seven years of plenty, seven years of famine
- Pharaoh appoints Joseph as his chief steward; preparations for famine
- Joseph's brothers (without Benjamin) come to Egypt - the only place with grain - but don't recognize Joseph.
- The reveal - on return trip - to the 11 bros only.
- Perhaps my very favorite part of the story: how Jacob learns, after all these years, that Joseph is alive and well. The role of the songs of Serah in gently breaking the news to much-aged Jacob that Joseph lives - just delightful.
- The name "Israel" now also refers to Jacob's family - Israel moves to Egypt at Joseph's behest.
- Judah - the lion - foreshadowing lineage to come - receives Jacob's blessing. Not Joseph.
- Tamar - believes Jacob's stories, foresees Judah as receiving the blessing, inserts herself into the key lineage (marries two of Judah's sons in succession (both die quickly); then seduces Judah himself)
- Jacob buried back in the land of his ancestors - not Egypt.
Trust me: there's lots more over the course of 1500 pages. Just delightful.